Anthony Cros' blog
Welcome to my blog!I will be using this platform to post announcements and articles on a number of subjects relating to computer science. Mostly, they will focus on my main interests:
- Scala
- Software design
- Programming
- Big Data
- Bioinformatics
- Mar 2024 - Aptus release (v0.6.0): A utility library aiming to simplify the Scala coding experience - see Github repo
- Feb 2024 - Talk at ScalaIO in Nantes: Migrating Gallia to Scala 3 the good, the bad and the very good - see YouTube video
- Jul 2023 - Scalabix release: Bioinformatics library in Scala - see Github repo
- June 2023 - Talk at Scala Days Seattle Edition: Gallia: Practical Data Transformation in Scala - see YouTube video
- Jan 2022 - Gallia Notebooks for Databricks articles (Spark) Datasets tutorial and Complex nested structures
- Dec 2021 - Towards Data Science article - "Gallia: a library for data transformation"
- July 2021 - Code for the book "Data science from scratch" ported from Python to Scala
- May 2021 - TodoMVC example in scala-js/react (via Slinky)
- Apr 2021 - CBioPortal's "studies summary" API call reproduced with Gallia
- Mar 2021 - Bioinformatics data restructuring with Gallia:
- clinvar VCF file
- SnpEff output
- dbNSFP table example from section just above
- GeneMania TSV files (also see the Spark counterpart)
- Feb 2021 - Introducing Gallia: a Scala library for data manipulation. Examples reproduced with Gallia (see full list of examples):
- TPC-DS Sales summary example query as discussed in Andrew Ray's Databricks post: "Reshaping Data with Pivot in Apache Spark" (February 2016)
- data manipulation task for the Cars93 dataset (R MASS package), as discussed in Darren Wilkinson's blog post: "Data frames and tables in Scala" (August 2015)
- Eurostat census data example queries as discussed in Mathijs Vogelzang's Medium article: "Doing cool data science in Java: how 3 DataFrame libraries stack up" (September 2018)
- Football premier league data manipulations as discussed in Chloe Connor's Towards Data Science article: "Stop using Pandas and start using Spark with Scala" (June 2020)
- Sep 2016 - Turning Scala code into Spark